homepage of Kyle (@-pegasus from cohost)

I hope to have a full site here soon. For now, I can be found in the following places:

Cohost (no posts after 2024/10/01, archive.org mirror after 2025/01/01)
Fur Affinity
Github (nothing yet)
ko-fi (please and thank you)

If all else fails, I can be reached at robotkyle2022@outlook.com - I don't give out Telegram/Discord unless we know each other.

Kyle status:

I'm moving Electronics From Scratch to here, and rewriting it to flow better. I don't know how long it will take.

I'm building a toastytech.com style gallery showing what cohost looked like as a user. Main priority after my day job.

I have a Raleigh Twenty project stalled waiting for me to rebuild the wheels. Current spokes are seized. Will investigate cutting spokes.

Cool Stuff - Other websites
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Kyle 2024

This website is part of the Ex-Cohost Webring.
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